Lessons In Raja Yoga


“When the soul sees itself as a Center surrounded by its circumference–when the Sun knows that it is a Sun, surrounded by its whirling planets-then is it ready for the Wisdom and Power of the Masters”

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“Karma.” The highest truths about these important subjects are often obscured by popular misconceptions occasioned by partial teaching. We trust that you–our students–will wish to follow us still higher–higher than we have ventured so far, and we assure you that there is a Truth to be seen and known that is as much higher than the other phases upon which we have touched, as those phases have been higher than the current beliefs of the masses of the race. We trust that the Powers of Knowledge may guide and direct us that we may be able to convey our message so that it may be accepted and understood. We thank our students who have traveled thus far with us, and we assure them that their loving sympathy has ever been a help and an inspiration to us.


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